Effects of Steroids

The effects of steroids; in many ways they’re grossly misunderstood, there’s nothing magical going on, but there’s no denying the effects of steroids can be tremendous. There are numerous reasons to supplement with anabolic steroids, but regardless of the specific purposes the primary point remains the same. For therapeutic or performance enhancement, the idea is to provide more of a specific hormone your body already naturally produces, or to add more of a specific hormone your body naturally produces that has been structurally altered in-order to meet a desired purpose or end. Regardless of the purpose, if you’re looking for a hormone that was discovered and brought to us from the fifth dimension, no such steroid exists, but if you’re willing to understand what these hormones actually are then you better believe the effects of steroids can transform your life; in some cases, even save it. With all of this in mind, we want to discuss the primary effects of steroids, how this can translate into a performance benefit, and of course, what it can mean in a therapeutic sense. Through our discussion, you’ll finally understand the mystery that has eluded so many, but don’t be surprised when you don’t find the answers to be anything mystical; even so, you will find some powerful effects.

The Primary Effects of Steroids

Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic hormones; synthetic hormones that can all be linked back to the primary androgen Testosterone. Androgens like Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) also play a role, as well as structural alterations such as 19-nortestosterone (19-nor), but all can be traced back to Testosterone. In any case, there are ten primary effects of steroids; ten effects that represent the brunt of steroidal action regardless of the specific steroid at hand. As you understand, there are numerous types of anabolic steroids, and each one will carry a few of the ten primary traits and at varying levels of power; of course, some will carry a large majority of the traits. In-order to understand how these traits will translate into real life action, each anabolic steroid carries an anabolic and androgenic rating based on its nature, and all ratings are measured against Testosterone. Testosterone carries an anabolic rating of 100 and an androgenic rating of 100, and it is by this standard all other steroids are measured. Further, you will find some anabolic steroids carry somewhat of a deceiving rating in one of the two categories; their structural nature will find they carry a specific rating, but its translating action in that regard will be higher or lower often due to the structural alteration; don’t worry, this will all makes sense as we go along.

So that you can understand the primary effects of steroids, we have listed the ten primary effects below, and what it means in-regards to total action. From there, we have listed the most commonly used anabolic steroids on earth by their most popular associated name, and we have attached their anabolic and androgenic rating along with how such ratings translate into real life action. From there, we’ll go into real life effects of a performance and therapeutic nature; it may be a lot of information, but you’ll finally be able to truly see how the effects of steroids can benefit you.

  • Decreased Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG) - SHBG is a glycoprotein that binds specific sex hormones such as testosterone. When SHBG is reduced, we now have more free Testosterone in our body, and the result is more Testosterone to do what Testosterone does best, and that is to promote anabolic activity and metabolic enhancement.
  • Enhanced Collagen Synthesis - collagen represents the primary protein by-which the connective tissue of the ligaments, tendons, joints, cartilage and even the actual muscle tissue consist. As synthesis is enhanced, this provides a therapeutic advantage in healing and recovery; not to mention, tremendous joint relief.
  • Enhanced Glycogenolysis - glycogenolysis is a rather simple concept as it merely refers to the conversion process of glycogen and glucose. Through enhanced glycogenolysis, we are enabled to maximize our carbohydrate intake to a greater level of efficiency.
  • Enhanced Nutrient Efficiency - of the ten primary effects of steroids, without question this is the greatest of all; after all, nutrients, the very food we eat there’s nothing more important. When nutrient efficiency is enhanced, this simply means each nutrient becomes more valuable; we receive more benefits with each gram of each nutrient. The best way to look at is like being able to buy $100 worth of goods and services with only a $20 bill in your hand.
  • Enhanced Protein Synthesis - protein is the building block of muscle tissue; a concept that most are aware of. As for protein synthesis, this refers to the rate by-which cells build proteins thereby promoting an enhanced anabolic atmosphere as well as all that comes with it.
  • Increased Bone-Mineral Content - perhaps the easiest effect to understand; increased bone-mineral content equals a stronger skeletal structure, but what really makes it shine is when this trait is coupled with collagen synthesis; together healing and rejuvenation is enhanced tenfold.
  • Increased Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Production - IGF-1 is one of the most anabolic hormones we naturally produce, and it is one that affects nearly every last cell in the human body; it shouldn’t be too hard to see how dramatic this effect can be.
  • Increased Nitrogen Retention - all muscle tissue is comprised of 16% nitrogen, and if we do not retain an adequate supply we enter into a catabolic state; an increase in retention results in the opposite; increased anabolic action.
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count - red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to and through the blood; an increased count results in greater blood oxygenation.
  • Reduction in Glucocorticoid Production - commonly referred to as stress hormones, cortisol being the most well-known, glucocorticoid hormones are muscle wasting and fat promoting hormones naturally produced by the body; largely as a result of stress. Such hormones can also make fat-loss tremendously difficult to nearly impossible when levels are too high; with a reduction, such effects are a memory.


Anabolic Rating

Androgenic Rating





Will yield higher androgenic activity than rating implies




Anabolic action may not be as high as rating implies but it’s close




Will yield higher androgenic activity than rating implies





Perfect Translation

Durabolin (NPP)



Will yield higher androgenic activity than rating implies





Perfect Translation




Will yield zero androgenic effects despite its strong androgenic nature





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation




Very misleading as this is the oral version lacking the C17-aa nature and as a result much of the hormone is lost resulting in less total action

Primobolan Depot




Perfect Translation




Will result in almost no anabolic activity despite the high rating





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation





Perfect Translation

 The Effects of Steroids - Performance Enhancement

The effects of steroids in a performance enhancement capacity can largely be summed up by three words; anything you want. That probably sounds like an overstatement, and maybe it is just a little, but not by much. Through anabolic steroidal supplementation, there is truly something for everyone regardless of your goals and desires. If you’re looking to enhance athletic performance, the ability is there; if you want to be a mass monster have at it, but if you want a harder and tighter physique then you can have this too. In any case, how you live, eat and train will dictate a lot, but the following is what can be obtained:

  • Increased Muscle Mass - this one pretty well speaks for itself; anabolic steroidal supplementation can result in increases in muscle mass, and they can be quite significant. Of course, you probably noticed we used the word “Can” and that was not without good reason. How you eat will determine how much you grow, and such growth will also be dependent on the steroids you choose; some steroids promote growth, others do not. Even so, if you are supplementing with steroids that promote growth yet in a long lasting caloric deficit you will not grow. Calories need to be above maintenance to truly grow; at maintenance, with the right steroids some growth will occur, but significant growth will require significant amounts of food. That said, one of the benefits of this process is such supplementation will yield more muscle tissue growth with less body-fat accumulation due to anabolic steroids holding tremendous metabolic enhancing properties.
  • Increased Strength - in many ways, the same that was said regarding caloric intake and mass promotion can be said here; however, there are strong exceptions. Strength can easily go up with maintenance level caloric intake if the right steroids are used; precisely, steroids with high anabolic ratings and translations.
  • Increased Muscular Endurance - partially due to the majority of the primary traits, the increase in red blood cells has the largest effect, and it will be large. As a result, you won’t tire out as fast, you’ll be able to push longer and harder, and as a result there is more progress.
  • Increased Energy - due to all traits; the body doesn’t have to use as much energy to perform specific tasks as such tasks have been enhanced by higher levels of specific hormones.
  • Enhanced Rate of Recovery - due to all primary effects, and this enhanced rate of recovery is quite real; it’s not a masking like effect. You will recover from your training or strenuous activity faster and with greater efficiency. This can even translate into direct healing in some cases of tendons, ligaments and even muscle tissue.
  • Enhanced Conditioning (visual) - largely due to the metabolic enhancing nature of steroids, red blood cell count and of course the increase in anabolic activity. With the right steroids, you will appear harder, dryer, and more defined; this is of course assuming body-fat is low. Remember, steroids are not magical and they will not make a physique covered by a layer of body-fat appear hard and dry.
  • Decreased Body Fat - many of the primary effects of steroids improves the metabolic rate, such as effects revolving around SHBG and glucocorticoid production, IGF-1 production and any of the traits that influence anabolic activity. Of course, there can be even more to it; several anabolic steroids can actually promote direct fat-loss as they have the ability to bind firmly to the androgen receptor; in any case, regardless there is no anabolic steroid that has a negative effect on metabolic activity.
The Effects of Steroids - Therapeutic

The effects of steroids are by no means limited to performance use; in-fact, their therapeutic benefits run quite deep. Many of the benefits in a therapeutic sense are identical to what was listed and discussed in the performance section; for example, if you’re suffering from a muscle wasting disease nothing will help you like an anabolic steroid. For many years, muscle wasting diseases were one of the only things anabolic steroids were used for in a therapeutic sense, at least to a large degree, but as the years have gone by many physicians are slowly but surely seeing the benefits and possibilities of the effects of steroids. In the modern era, anabolic androgenic steroids are now used to treat all of the following conditions:

  • Aids - the ultimate in muscle wasting diseases, and it has been anabolic steroidal supplementation that has been the primary reason we continually see fewer and fewer HIV positive individuals fall into the full life ending condition.
  • Anemia - a condition that is a result of a red blood cell deficiency, and nothing will correct such a condition like anabolic steroids; after all, a primary effect is increasing red blood cell count.
  • Andropause - a condition that refers to an androgen deficiency that often includes a testosterone deficiency along with the other primary androgens. Steroidal supplementation can easily reverse such a condition, and 100% successfully almost every time.
  • Angioedema - a condition that refers to severe edema or the rapid swelling of tissues in and on the body. Some steroids carry traits that will promote water loss, therefor reversing the condition.
  • Breast Cancer - can be used to treat specific forms of breast cancer due to an anti-estrogenic effect some steroids hold. Normally steroids that carry a strong yet very specific androgenic nature are used for this purpose as they are for lack of a better way to put it used as androgens to inhibit other hormones.
  • Burn Victims - burn victims often lose a lot of muscle mass; nothing will bring it back like anabolic steroids.
  • Cancer (general) - see Aids
  • Delayed Puberty - anabolic hormones, specifically androgens are responsible for the onset of puberty and the following actions that occur; if this is delayed, synthetic models can be used. This will be the only case where anabolic steroid supplementation will be used in adolescents with the exception of severe muscle wasting diseases and severe burn victims in some cases.
  • Low Testosterone - largely speaks for itself; you need testosterone and essentially so but you’re lacking; supplement with testosterone and the problem is solved.
  • Menopause - many pre and post-menopausal women suffer from severe hormonal imbalances and anabolic steroids can be used to correct this imbalance.
  • Obesity - normally only used to treat severe obesity when the condition is being caused by some type of severe hormonal imbalance.
  • Osteoporosis - see bone-mineral content and collagen synthesis in the primary effects of steroids section; anabolic steroids truly are some of the best osteoporosis combatants on earth.
  • Renal Insufficiency - refers to kidney failure that often results in severe anemia or what is referred to as anemia of renal insufficiency.
  • Severe Strength Loss - can be caused by muscle wasting diseases, hormonal imbalances or an inability for the body to make adequate use of the nutrients it consumes, and there for it must be enhanced.
  • Weight Gain - see strength loss.